f Kartu & Ucapan Happy Wedding Bahasa Inggris Untuk Sahabat

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Kartu & ucapan happy wedding bahasa Inggris untuk sahabat - Pernikahan adalah menyatukan dua insan menjadi satu untuk membangun sebuah keluarga yang bahagia. Atau bisa juga diartikan menghalalkan dua insan dengan tujuan membentuk rumah tangga bahagia berdasarkan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.

Dengan adanya sebuah pernikahan, artinya satu pasangan telah siap untuk melangkah maju dan menempuh hidup baru ke kehidupan yang lebih baik. Berbagi kesedihan, kebahagiaan bersama serta saling memahami satu sama lain agar terwujud keluarga yang sakinah mawaddah dan warrohmah.

kartu & ucapan happy wedding bahasa inggris
kartu & ucapan happy wedding bahasa inggris

Sebagai seorang insan yang sahabatnya sedang merayakan pernikahan, umumnya kita memberikan sebuah bingkisan kado kepada pengantin. Tetapi kurang lengkap rasanya jika kado yang diberikan tanpa adanya kata-kata dan kartu ucapan happy wedding kepada sang pengantin.

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Buat kamu yang kurang pandai merangkai kata ucapan selamat pernikahan bahasa Inggris. Di bawah ini terdapat berbagai kartu dan ucapan happy wedding bahasa Inggris untuk sahabat yang bisa kamu tulis diselembar kertas dan dimasukkan dalam kado sebagai kartu ucapan pernikahan.

Ucapan happy wedding bahasa Inggris untuk sahabat

"Hopefully happy for you that currently hold a wedding ceremony, wedding ceremony you may smoothly to completion, and welcome a new life with a pair of your best choice. hopefully enduring love of all time. keep the bond is not to fail in building the ark beautiful love. Happy wedding my best friend".

"Happy wedding, then take a look at what has been changed by the love of those who love each other and would see Where Wherever love is present in their hearts so thankful for The almighty love Welcome a new life".

"So even when love has come He also makes the heart becomes calm and also restless and grew all the expectations about the beauty of love and soul mate walked over to His will be Happy for you, on your wedding, happy wedding".

"If the sun had risen rays shining through it And what’s is it underneath Life grow goes on his sunnah Welcome my bestfriend Hopefully a new life can be a good father".

"Bestfriend ! Welcome a new life, Say be happy always, a lot of luck and a lot of children and lasting until the grandparents. Happy wedding".

"Hopefully become a true partner until of death do. mays blessed good boy our girl. Hopefully be better family, happy wedding".

"May the coming years of your marriage fulfill all your wishes and dreams. Congratulations to both of you!".

"Happy wedding my best friend, let the God of luck shower on both of you. Heartiest congratulations on your Wedding".

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"Let the Almighty Lord bless you with lots of love, peace and a very happy married life. Congratulations to both of you".

"May your joys double the love and chemistry between you two. Heartiest congratulations to both of you for a wonderful married life".


Ucapan happy wedding bahasa Inggris simple untuk saudara dan teman

"May your life partner bring new happiness and beautiful memories in your life! May this event increase love in your life! God bless you."

"Happy married life to you guys and wishing you all the wealth and prosperity throughout your life; don't fight!."

"On your special day dear friend, wishing you all the happiness, love and togetherness forever."

"May love and understanding go on increasing with each passing day! May you have beautiful future and lovable life! Happy wedding day!."
"Wow! you two look so much beautiful together like the doves I saw the other day, I wish you guys all the happiness in this world; Happy Married Life!."

"It is a great pleasure to congratulate two happy people. We wish your life to be full of love and understanding forever!."

"On your special day dear friend, wishing you all the happiness, love and togetherness forever."

"Joy and happiness is waiting for both of you. May your relation fulfill all of your hearty desires and you feel happiness together always. Happy wedding day."

"Dear friend, as you are starting a new innings of your life, my good wishes are always with you. Wishing you a happy married life."

"From now to onwards you will not be alone at any stage, your life partner will be with you in good and bad. May God enhance your love and you live a beautiful life. Happy wedding day!."

"May you always be warmed by each other's smile, Always take time to walk and talk a while, Always know deep down you're each other's best friend, And enjoy the kind of love that grows and knows no end."

"There is new friend and companion for you to hear, to listen and to care for you. May your couple live a beautiful life ahead! Happy Wedding."

"As marriages are planed on skies and celebrated on earth. God made both of you for each other to live a happy and beautiful life. So enjoy you marriage day and all the days of your life. Happy Marriage!."

"Heart filled wishes on your wedding; hoping the best for you two today and forever; happy married life."

"Wedding is a very sacred and blessed event. On your wedding ceremony I pray it provide you happiness of all worlds. Wishing you a very happy Marriage Day!."

Kartu ucapan happy wedding

kartu & ucapan happy wedding bahasa inggris

"Good wishes and lots of love to the couple I admire the most. Happy married life".

"May God bless the two of you as you embark on the beginning of the journey of the life you are about to begin. Best wishes for the future, happy wedding".

"Congratulations to the two of you. May your married life be filled with happiness, joy and never ending love. Have a happy married life".

kartu & ucapan happy wedding bahasa inggris

"Today is going to be a day that the two of will never be able to forget forever. Make the most of it. Happy wedding".

"May this lovely day fill your life with lots of love, happiness and wonderful moments. Wishing you a beautiful married life".

"On this lovely occasion, I wish you lots of good luck, charm, health and a prosperous life ahead. Wishing You A Happy wedding".

"May this day prove to be very lucky for both of you. Warm wishes to the newly married couple. Let this beautiful warm day change your life, Get you all the merry days and bless you with joy. Live A very Happy Married Life!".

kartu & ucapan happy wedding bahasa inggris

"Let this beautiful bond of marriage bless you with wonderful days ahead. Wishing You A Happy Wedding".

Baca juga: Ucapan pernikahan untuk sahabat laki-laki dan perempuan

Ucapan happy wedding bahasa Inggris diatas bisa juga dijadikan sebagai rangkaian kata di kartu ucapan happy wedding. Demikian kartu & ucapan happy wedding bahasa Inggris untuk sahabat dari captionkeren.net

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