Doa HUT Kristen dalam Bahasa Inggris: Untuk Teman, Orang Tua Suami Istri & Pasangan - Terima kasih kepada semua orang yang telah berkunjung di sini sekarang. Anda berada di artikel tentang doa-doa peringatan ulang tahun kristen bahasa Inggris. Baik untuk doa ulang tahun bertambahnya umur maupun ulang tahun pernikahan.
Jika anda mencari Doa-doa Hari Jadi yang berhubungan dengan orang terdekat, maka Anda tidak perlu mencari dihalaman lainnya. Sebab disini kami menyediakan buat anda. Doa Anniversary kristen bahasa Inggris ini spesial untuk Istri - Suami - Teman dan orang tua Anda.
Baca juga: Ucapan anniversary pernikahan bahasa inggris terbaik
Hari ini adalah hari spesial orang-orang kesayangan Anda?, Jadi, hari ini kami akan membagikan koleksi Doa ulang tahun kristen bahasa Inggris yang damai untuk Anda!.
Jadi, tak ada salahnya merayakan hari jadi dengan menggunakan koleksi Doa ulang tahun kristen dalam bahasa Inggris yang berkualitas dan menakjubkan di sini.
Baca juga: Doa dan kata-kata ucapan ulang tahun untuk pacar
Kirim Puisi Doa Selamat Ulang Tahun untuk Istri Anda - Suami & Teman menggunakan koleksi ini. Karena koleksi ini didedikasikan untuk Doa Ulang Tahun Terbaik. Anda dapat mengirim ucapan doa ulang tahun kristen bahasa Inggris untuk Suami - Istri & Teman, dan lain-lain. Simak artikelnya sampai selesai. Siapa tau anda menemukan doa terbaik sesuai keinginan hati anda.
1. Anniversary Prayer
“Your Word tells us that when a man finds a wife that he has found a good thing.
You also make it clear in Your Word how important and sacred marriage is in Your eyes.
Lord, we pray that You will bless this couple with the grace,
Forgiveness and love that is needed for a continued happy marriage.
We know it takes work, God, but we also know that if,
You're in the midst of the marriage that it will succeed.
Let Your blessings be on this couple in Jesus name.
2. Wedding Anniversary Prayer for Husband
“God of love, thank you for marriage
and the way love’s face
changes with time.”
3. Marriage Anniversary Prayer for Wife
“Lord, help us to remember when we first met and the strong love that grew between us.
To work that love into practical things so nothing can divide us.
We ask for words both kind and loving, and for
Hearts always ready to ask forgiveness as well as to forgive.
Dear Lord, we put our marriage into your hands.
4. Wedding Anniversary Prayer for Friends
“Loving Lord, we do thank You for this couple and for the joy of their first wedding anniversary.
We celebrate this happy time and pray that You would continue to bless and keep them in their holy union together.
Thank You for the testimony of love and faithfulness that shines forth from their union and we pray that You will bless and honor their life together in the days and years that lie ahead.
We pray that with the passing years their love for each other and for You may grow and develop and we ask that You bless them with many more such wedding anniversaries and pray that as year succeeds to year they grow in grace and in love for each other and for You. Bless their home we pray and ask that You would uphold them with Your mighty right hand, in Jesus name,
5. Marriage Anniversary Prayer for Parents
“Thank you for love’s beginning;
the tidal pull that draws together
as sure as sea and shore,
the beauty of that meeting,
its strength and intense fragility,
sweet as an apple blossom
pale in the moonlight.”
6. Lord's Prayer for Anniversary Couples
“They say when you marry in June, you’re a bride all your life.
Father, We give you thanks and praise on this our 32nd Anniversary! You have seen us through the lean times, the mean times, the fun times and the “we ain’t got none” times. We’ve lived through some scary times, contrary times, some wary times and very,very sour cherry times.
But all together, the good, the bad, and the ugly have created a sort of fertilizer that has grown our love in ways we never could have hoped. That’s what you meant when you thought of Romans 8:28. You combine all our experiences, all our missteps, all our strengths, all our sins (graciously forgiven and forgotten), and you create a life that is worth living and a love that is worth having.
So today we lift our cup of thanks to You, Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith and this marriage.
In Jesus Name Amen.”
7. Happy Anniversary Prayers
“Heavenly Father, we praise and thank You for the privilege and gift of marriage and for the joy that comes from sharing our life together. We thank You Father for bringing us to this anniversary day, where we remember the vows that we made before you and pray that You would continue to bless our life together.
Lord we pray that Your love would increasingly shine through our marriage so that as we draw ever closer in our vertical relationship to You it may be reflected in our fellowship with each other and shine out to those beyond our home and family.
Lord You have done great things for us and we praise and thank You for bringing us together and for being our strength and stay when times of difficulty arose. I pray that in the days that lie ahead we may be used by You as a witness to the wonderful work you have done in our live and may we be used to encourage others who are setting out on the beautiful adventure of marriage.
Continue to bless our lives together and may we grow ever closer to You and to each other in the days that lie ahead, in Jesus name we pray,
8. Happy Anniversary Prayers
“Thank you for love’s deepening,
the confidence that grows
with a thousand leavings and greetings,
the hardiness of belonging,
its ability to survive storm and drought,
resilient as supple branches
swaying in the wind.”
9. Marriage Anniversary Prayer for Wife
“Thank you dear, Lord You have promised that You are the One that would build Your Church and we ask that You would continue to equip each of us, both individually and corporately with the talents and gifts that may be used to Your praise and glory for the edification of the rest of the saints of God.
Protect us from the wiles of the enemy who seeks to destroy and cause divisions among Your body. Help us to be sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, and hospitable and gentle one towards each other. Let us not be motivated by selfishness but in humility may we seek to regard the needs and necessities of others before our own.
Give wisdom to the elders and deacons and give wisdom to those that teach and a teachable spirit to those that listen. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all this day and for ever, in Jesus name we pray,
10. Wedding Anniversary Prayer for Husband
“Thank you for love’s maturing;
the companionship that develops slowly,
forged in the hot and cold of everyday life,
the power of lives intertwining,
its quality of sturdy faithfulness,
delicious as a ripe red apple
after a day’s long hunger.”
11. Marriage Anniversary Prayer for Friends
“Keep us, 0 Lord, from pettiness. Let us be thoughtful in word and deed. Help us to put away pretense, and face each other in deep trust without fear or self-pity. Help us to guard against faultfinding, and be quick to discover the best in each other and in every situation.
Guard us from ill temper and hasty judgment; encourage us to take time for all things, to grow calm, serene and gentle. Help us to be generous with kind words and compliments. Teach us never to ignore, never to hurt, and never to take each other for granted. Engrave charity and compassion on our hearts.Please, pray for us.
Baca juga: Kartu & ucapan ulang tahun pernikahan bahasa Inggris
12. Wedding Anniversary Prayer for Parents
“Almighty God,
at the hands of priests and prophets
you anoint your chosen servants with the oil of gladness
and strengthen them with the gifts of your Holy Spirit:
accept our joyful praise as with united voice
we give thanks for the long and glorious reign
of our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth.
Renewing your blessings, pour on her your choicest gifts,
and on all your people the spirit of humility and mutual service
shown in the life and death of him who is the anointed King of all,
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
13. Prayers for Happy Anniversary Couples
“Years ago You took two selfish, self-centered people
and taught us to put You
at the center of our hearts and marriage.
You taught us to take our problems to Your first,
then each other.
You taught us the delight of putting our
mate's needs over our own.
You taught us to serve one another in love.
Your taught us that sharing disappointments and pain
was another side of sharing our love.
We have experienced the sweetness
that together we're stronger than either one alone.
From the wellsprings of my heart,
thank You, Lord.”
14. Happy Anniversary Prayers
“Heavenly Father, thank You that You have brought us together as man and wife and thank You that we are celebrating yet another wedding anniversary, for which we praise and magnify Your holy name.
Thank You for the guidance that we have received through Your Word and Lord we pray that day by day You would develop in both our hearts an increasing desire to put on love, knowing that this is the perfect bond of unity and peace, when founded on the Lord Jesus Christ – Who is our Rock and Foundation.
May we both grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as together we walk in spirit and truth and may our life become a shining example, where Christ remains the center and circumference of our marriage.
Give us wisdom we pray, as we face the forthcoming year and grant us to grow in love and unity one with one another and with You that we may be a demonstration of Your grace and mercy towards us. May our love FOR You and our faith IN You bring glory to Your name, in Jesus name we pray.
15. Happy Anniversary Prayer
“Lord, we pray for open doors today to share the Gospel with someone else. Help us to speak clearly and boldly about the greatest message that has ever been shared. Guide us and help us to leverage every opportunity we have, every interaction You give us, so that we can make the best use of the time.
Let our speech be gracious and inviting and our conduct pure. Protect us from fear or embarrassment and give us strength by the Holy Spirit’s power to declare the mystery of Christ and His message of love and forgiveness and grace.
We know You don’t need us, but You allow us to be a part of the incredible process of seeing someone come to faith in You, so may we today gladly participate and pursue opportunities that You bring before us.”
16. Marriage Anniversary Prayer for Friends
“Loving Father we bless and thank You from the depth of our hearts for Your continuing blessing on our marriage union - and today we come to thank You for bringing us to yet another wedding anniversary and for all that You have been to both of us during our marriage together.
Thank You Father for the gift of love that has been given to us both and the deepening love that has blossomed over our years together. Thank You for holding us steady during the difficult times and for always being with us through the inevitable trials that we have had to face – and thank You for drawing us closer to each other and to You, when circumstances seems designed to divide us.
Continue to bless our lives together – our home and our family, and watch over us day and night we pray. Help us to maintain the vows of love and constancy that we made before You – and enable our marriage to grow ever stronger with each passing year.
We bless and thank You for Your many blessings to us and pray that we would remain united in love and faith - and service to others and to You. in Jesus name we pray,
Baca juga: Happy birthday wishes for friend bahasa indonesia
17. Wedding Anniversary Prayer for Wife
“Lord, we thank you for the gift of each other, our marriage, and this first year anniversary. We thank you for our salvation through faith in Jesus Christ our Savior. We thank you for giving us your Word of truth, and each other for this journey as we seek to follow you in the life/ministry you have called us to. Thank you for this time of remembrance of your grace, mercy and love.
Thank you for the gift of our marriage, our lives in Christ Jesus. Keep us always grounded in your redeeming love, that we may be witnesses to your great mercy as husband and wife. In Jesus’ name we pray amen.”
Wedding Anniversary Prayer for Parents - Friends
18. Marriage Anniversary Prayer for Husband
“Dear Lord Jesus I just want to lift up my heart to you today as this is our anniversary, and yet Lord, recently things between us have become strained and difficult and I feel sad and confused and quite alone.
Lord I don’t know where things went wrong and I don’t know how I could have done things differently, but Lord I am sorry for the part that I have played. I know that in many ways I have been selfish and wanted things my way, when Your word says that we should do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility consider the other person as more significant than ourselves.
Lord I ask Your forgiveness and pray that You would help me to start to live a life that is honoring to You. Heal my marriage I pray and show me Lord how I can bridge the gap that is widening between us. Teach me Your ways, lead me on a straight path and graciously teach me How to live as unto the Lord, in Jesus name I pray.
19. Wedding Anniversary Prayer for Couple
“God, our loving Father, we thank you for your many blessings
bestowed on us as a community of faith
We give thanks for the holy men and women who have gone before us
and upon whose shoulders we proudly stand in faith, hope and love.
Lord, may your Spirit of mission flow to everyone in this Parish,
our friends, family and all who come to worship with us.
Merciful Lord, enlighten us with your Word, and strengthen us with your Holy Spirit
as we are witness to the Love of Christ and seek to serve the Lord and each other,
Through Christ our Lord,
20. Marriage Anniversary Prayer for Parents
“O Lord, omnipotent and eternal God,
we give you thanks and we bless your holy name.
You created man and woman in your image and blessed their union,
so that each would be for the other a help and support. remember us today.
Protect us and grant that our love may be in the image
of the devotion and love of Christ for his Church.
Grant us a long and fruitful life together, in joy and in peace,
so that, through your Son and in the Holy Spirit,
our hearts may always rise to you in praise and goods works.”
21. Happy Anniversary Prayer
“Lord, we thank you for this couple and for all of the years that they have had together.
Today, as we celebrate their anniversary, our prayer is that you will continue to bless them.
Let their testimony of love and forgiveness be a help to other couples as they start on their own journeys into married life. Lord, we pray that You will honor their commitment to each other and to You by granting them many more years of happiness together.
Baca juga: Ucapan anniversary pernikahan untuk orang tua
Demikian artikel tentang doa-doa ulang tahun kristen bahasa Inggris untuk suami, istri, teman dan orang tua. Dilengkapi dengan doa wedding anniversary pernikahan yang lengkap. Semoga doa-doa ini terkabulkan untuk orang yang berdoa sepenuh hati. - Terima kasih kepada semua orang yang telah berkunjung di sini sekarang. Anda berada di artikel tentang doa-doa peringatan ulang tahun kristen bahasa Inggris. Baik untuk doa ulang tahun bertambahnya umur maupun ulang tahun pernikahan.

Jika anda mencari Doa-doa Hari Jadi yang berhubungan dengan orang terdekat, maka Anda tidak perlu mencari dihalaman lainnya. Sebab disini kami menyediakan buat anda. Doa Anniversary kristen bahasa Inggris ini spesial untuk Istri - Suami - Teman dan orang tua Anda.
Baca juga: Ucapan anniversary pernikahan bahasa inggris terbaik
Hari ini adalah hari spesial orang-orang kesayangan Anda?, Jadi, hari ini kami akan membagikan koleksi Doa ulang tahun kristen bahasa Inggris yang damai untuk Anda!.
Jadi, tak ada salahnya merayakan hari jadi dengan menggunakan koleksi Doa ulang tahun kristen dalam bahasa Inggris yang berkualitas dan menakjubkan di sini.
Baca juga: Doa dan kata-kata ucapan ulang tahun untuk pacar
Kirim Puisi Doa Selamat Ulang Tahun untuk Istri Anda - Suami & Teman menggunakan koleksi ini. Karena koleksi ini didedikasikan untuk Doa Ulang Tahun Terbaik. Anda dapat mengirim ucapan doa ulang tahun kristen bahasa Inggris untuk Suami - Istri & Teman, dan lain-lain. Simak artikelnya sampai selesai. Siapa tau anda menemukan doa terbaik sesuai keinginan hati anda.
Doa ulang tahun kristen dalam bahasa Inggris untuk Teman, Orang Tua, Suami, Istri
1. Anniversary Prayer
“Your Word tells us that when a man finds a wife that he has found a good thing.
You also make it clear in Your Word how important and sacred marriage is in Your eyes.
Lord, we pray that You will bless this couple with the grace,
Forgiveness and love that is needed for a continued happy marriage.
We know it takes work, God, but we also know that if,
You're in the midst of the marriage that it will succeed.
Let Your blessings be on this couple in Jesus name.
2. Wedding Anniversary Prayer for Husband
“God of love, thank you for marriage
and the way love’s face
changes with time.”
3. Marriage Anniversary Prayer for Wife
“Lord, help us to remember when we first met and the strong love that grew between us.
To work that love into practical things so nothing can divide us.
We ask for words both kind and loving, and for
Hearts always ready to ask forgiveness as well as to forgive.
Dear Lord, we put our marriage into your hands.
4. Wedding Anniversary Prayer for Friends
“Loving Lord, we do thank You for this couple and for the joy of their first wedding anniversary.
We celebrate this happy time and pray that You would continue to bless and keep them in their holy union together.
Thank You for the testimony of love and faithfulness that shines forth from their union and we pray that You will bless and honor their life together in the days and years that lie ahead.
We pray that with the passing years their love for each other and for You may grow and develop and we ask that You bless them with many more such wedding anniversaries and pray that as year succeeds to year they grow in grace and in love for each other and for You. Bless their home we pray and ask that You would uphold them with Your mighty right hand, in Jesus name,
Marriage Anniversary Prayer for Couples & Wife
5. Marriage Anniversary Prayer for Parents
“Thank you for love’s beginning;
the tidal pull that draws together
as sure as sea and shore,
the beauty of that meeting,
its strength and intense fragility,
sweet as an apple blossom
pale in the moonlight.”
6. Lord's Prayer for Anniversary Couples
“They say when you marry in June, you’re a bride all your life.
Father, We give you thanks and praise on this our 32nd Anniversary! You have seen us through the lean times, the mean times, the fun times and the “we ain’t got none” times. We’ve lived through some scary times, contrary times, some wary times and very,very sour cherry times.
But all together, the good, the bad, and the ugly have created a sort of fertilizer that has grown our love in ways we never could have hoped. That’s what you meant when you thought of Romans 8:28. You combine all our experiences, all our missteps, all our strengths, all our sins (graciously forgiven and forgotten), and you create a life that is worth living and a love that is worth having.
So today we lift our cup of thanks to You, Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith and this marriage.
In Jesus Name Amen.”
7. Happy Anniversary Prayers
“Heavenly Father, we praise and thank You for the privilege and gift of marriage and for the joy that comes from sharing our life together. We thank You Father for bringing us to this anniversary day, where we remember the vows that we made before you and pray that You would continue to bless our life together.
Lord we pray that Your love would increasingly shine through our marriage so that as we draw ever closer in our vertical relationship to You it may be reflected in our fellowship with each other and shine out to those beyond our home and family.
Lord You have done great things for us and we praise and thank You for bringing us together and for being our strength and stay when times of difficulty arose. I pray that in the days that lie ahead we may be used by You as a witness to the wonderful work you have done in our live and may we be used to encourage others who are setting out on the beautiful adventure of marriage.
Continue to bless our lives together and may we grow ever closer to You and to each other in the days that lie ahead, in Jesus name we pray,
8. Happy Anniversary Prayers
“Thank you for love’s deepening,
the confidence that grows
with a thousand leavings and greetings,
the hardiness of belonging,
its ability to survive storm and drought,
resilient as supple branches
swaying in the wind.”
9. Marriage Anniversary Prayer for Wife
“Thank you dear, Lord You have promised that You are the One that would build Your Church and we ask that You would continue to equip each of us, both individually and corporately with the talents and gifts that may be used to Your praise and glory for the edification of the rest of the saints of God.
Protect us from the wiles of the enemy who seeks to destroy and cause divisions among Your body. Help us to be sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, and hospitable and gentle one towards each other. Let us not be motivated by selfishness but in humility may we seek to regard the needs and necessities of others before our own.
Give wisdom to the elders and deacons and give wisdom to those that teach and a teachable spirit to those that listen. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all this day and for ever, in Jesus name we pray,
10. Wedding Anniversary Prayer for Husband
“Thank you for love’s maturing;
the companionship that develops slowly,
forged in the hot and cold of everyday life,
the power of lives intertwining,
its quality of sturdy faithfulness,
delicious as a ripe red apple
after a day’s long hunger.”
11. Marriage Anniversary Prayer for Friends
“Keep us, 0 Lord, from pettiness. Let us be thoughtful in word and deed. Help us to put away pretense, and face each other in deep trust without fear or self-pity. Help us to guard against faultfinding, and be quick to discover the best in each other and in every situation.
Guard us from ill temper and hasty judgment; encourage us to take time for all things, to grow calm, serene and gentle. Help us to be generous with kind words and compliments. Teach us never to ignore, never to hurt, and never to take each other for granted. Engrave charity and compassion on our hearts.Please, pray for us.
Baca juga: Kartu & ucapan ulang tahun pernikahan bahasa Inggris
12. Wedding Anniversary Prayer for Parents
“Almighty God,
at the hands of priests and prophets
you anoint your chosen servants with the oil of gladness
and strengthen them with the gifts of your Holy Spirit:
accept our joyful praise as with united voice
we give thanks for the long and glorious reign
of our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth.
Renewing your blessings, pour on her your choicest gifts,
and on all your people the spirit of humility and mutual service
shown in the life and death of him who is the anointed King of all,
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
13. Prayers for Happy Anniversary Couples
“Years ago You took two selfish, self-centered people
and taught us to put You
at the center of our hearts and marriage.
You taught us to take our problems to Your first,
then each other.
You taught us the delight of putting our
mate's needs over our own.
You taught us to serve one another in love.
Your taught us that sharing disappointments and pain
was another side of sharing our love.
We have experienced the sweetness
that together we're stronger than either one alone.
From the wellsprings of my heart,
thank You, Lord.”
14. Happy Anniversary Prayers
“Heavenly Father, thank You that You have brought us together as man and wife and thank You that we are celebrating yet another wedding anniversary, for which we praise and magnify Your holy name.
Thank You for the guidance that we have received through Your Word and Lord we pray that day by day You would develop in both our hearts an increasing desire to put on love, knowing that this is the perfect bond of unity and peace, when founded on the Lord Jesus Christ – Who is our Rock and Foundation.
May we both grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as together we walk in spirit and truth and may our life become a shining example, where Christ remains the center and circumference of our marriage.
Give us wisdom we pray, as we face the forthcoming year and grant us to grow in love and unity one with one another and with You that we may be a demonstration of Your grace and mercy towards us. May our love FOR You and our faith IN You bring glory to Your name, in Jesus name we pray.
15. Happy Anniversary Prayer
“Lord, we pray for open doors today to share the Gospel with someone else. Help us to speak clearly and boldly about the greatest message that has ever been shared. Guide us and help us to leverage every opportunity we have, every interaction You give us, so that we can make the best use of the time.
Let our speech be gracious and inviting and our conduct pure. Protect us from fear or embarrassment and give us strength by the Holy Spirit’s power to declare the mystery of Christ and His message of love and forgiveness and grace.
We know You don’t need us, but You allow us to be a part of the incredible process of seeing someone come to faith in You, so may we today gladly participate and pursue opportunities that You bring before us.”
16. Marriage Anniversary Prayer for Friends
“Loving Father we bless and thank You from the depth of our hearts for Your continuing blessing on our marriage union - and today we come to thank You for bringing us to yet another wedding anniversary and for all that You have been to both of us during our marriage together.
Thank You Father for the gift of love that has been given to us both and the deepening love that has blossomed over our years together. Thank You for holding us steady during the difficult times and for always being with us through the inevitable trials that we have had to face – and thank You for drawing us closer to each other and to You, when circumstances seems designed to divide us.
Continue to bless our lives together – our home and our family, and watch over us day and night we pray. Help us to maintain the vows of love and constancy that we made before You – and enable our marriage to grow ever stronger with each passing year.
We bless and thank You for Your many blessings to us and pray that we would remain united in love and faith - and service to others and to You. in Jesus name we pray,
Baca juga: Happy birthday wishes for friend bahasa indonesia
17. Wedding Anniversary Prayer for Wife
“Lord, we thank you for the gift of each other, our marriage, and this first year anniversary. We thank you for our salvation through faith in Jesus Christ our Savior. We thank you for giving us your Word of truth, and each other for this journey as we seek to follow you in the life/ministry you have called us to. Thank you for this time of remembrance of your grace, mercy and love.
Thank you for the gift of our marriage, our lives in Christ Jesus. Keep us always grounded in your redeeming love, that we may be witnesses to your great mercy as husband and wife. In Jesus’ name we pray amen.”
Wedding Anniversary Prayer for Parents - Friends
18. Marriage Anniversary Prayer for Husband
“Dear Lord Jesus I just want to lift up my heart to you today as this is our anniversary, and yet Lord, recently things between us have become strained and difficult and I feel sad and confused and quite alone.
Lord I don’t know where things went wrong and I don’t know how I could have done things differently, but Lord I am sorry for the part that I have played. I know that in many ways I have been selfish and wanted things my way, when Your word says that we should do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility consider the other person as more significant than ourselves.
Lord I ask Your forgiveness and pray that You would help me to start to live a life that is honoring to You. Heal my marriage I pray and show me Lord how I can bridge the gap that is widening between us. Teach me Your ways, lead me on a straight path and graciously teach me How to live as unto the Lord, in Jesus name I pray.
19. Wedding Anniversary Prayer for Couple
“God, our loving Father, we thank you for your many blessings
bestowed on us as a community of faith
We give thanks for the holy men and women who have gone before us
and upon whose shoulders we proudly stand in faith, hope and love.
Lord, may your Spirit of mission flow to everyone in this Parish,
our friends, family and all who come to worship with us.
Merciful Lord, enlighten us with your Word, and strengthen us with your Holy Spirit
as we are witness to the Love of Christ and seek to serve the Lord and each other,
Through Christ our Lord,
20. Marriage Anniversary Prayer for Parents
“O Lord, omnipotent and eternal God,
we give you thanks and we bless your holy name.
You created man and woman in your image and blessed their union,
so that each would be for the other a help and support. remember us today.
Protect us and grant that our love may be in the image
of the devotion and love of Christ for his Church.
Grant us a long and fruitful life together, in joy and in peace,
so that, through your Son and in the Holy Spirit,
our hearts may always rise to you in praise and goods works.”
21. Happy Anniversary Prayer
“Lord, we thank you for this couple and for all of the years that they have had together.
Today, as we celebrate their anniversary, our prayer is that you will continue to bless them.
Let their testimony of love and forgiveness be a help to other couples as they start on their own journeys into married life. Lord, we pray that You will honor their commitment to each other and to You by granting them many more years of happiness together.
Baca juga: Ucapan anniversary pernikahan untuk orang tua
Demikian artikel tentang doa-doa ulang tahun kristen bahasa Inggris untuk suami, istri, teman dan orang tua. Dilengkapi dengan doa wedding anniversary pernikahan yang lengkap. Semoga doa-doa ini terkabulkan untuk orang yang berdoa sepenuh hati.