Ucapan hari ulang tahun 50, 60 Bahasa Inggris - Hari ulang tahun ke-50 dan 60 adalah ulang tahun penting. Menulis atau mengirim ucapan selamat ulang tahun ke-50 dan 60 bisa jadi sangat menyenangkan. Banyak orang yang bingung harus menulis ucapan hari ultah ke-50 dan 60.
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Hari ulang tahun |
Hari ulang tahun ke-50 dan 60 adalah ulang tahun tonggak sejarah. Dan sayangnya ini adalah ulang tahun tonggak terakhir dari beberapa orang. Karenanya itu dianggap sebagai ultah yang penting. Anda dapat menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan selamat hari ulang tahun ke-50 dan 60 kepada orang-orang terdekat dan tersayang dengan cara yang lucu atau dengan ucapan yang manis!.
Jika Anda mencari beberapa ide ucapan hari ulang tahun, anda berada di tempat yang tepat. Di sini anda dapat dengan mudah mengetahui apa yang harus ditulis di kartu ulang tahun ke-50 maupun 60.
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Anda dapat mengambil beberapa pesan atau ide yang diberikan di sini untuk mengucapkan hari ulang tahun ke-50 ataupun 60. Saat menulis ucapan dan harapan ulang tahun, anda harus mengingat hubungannya dengan orang yang merayakan ulang tahun itu. Agar ucapan selamat ultah tersebut tepat sasaran. Berikut ucapan hari ulang tahun 50, 60 Bahasa Inggris.
Ucapan selamat hari ulang tahun ke-50
"Congratulations! You have covered your life’s road to half of the century! Wish you to cover the remaining half joyfully and in a healthy manner! Happy 50th Birthday!"
"If your life would have been a dollar, you would have been half spent. Unluckily, the lives of most people aren’t even a dollar. Happy 50th Birthday!"
"Believe it or not you’re half way to 100! Means you have to celebrate 50 more birthdays to complete century! Happy 50th Birthday!"
"I am so proud to see you celebrating your 50th birthday! May God keep you fit and healthy to celebrate 100th Birthday!. Happy 50th Birthday Sister!"
"It is better to be 50 then just remaining 49 because 50 is an easier number to remember than 49. Happy 50th Birthday!"
"I wish to pass you today luck, fortune, good health and my dreams to you. May you have 50 more happy years to celebrate! Happy 50th Birthday Dear Sister!"
"I’m sorry to tell you that your 50 year warranty has expired on your memory, knees and back. However, your warranty for lifetime is still effective on your heart. Happy 50th Birthday!"
"You can easily understand that you are 50 if the content of cake is 50% wax! Happy 50th Birthday!"
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"Hope you don’t mind now if the speed limit is the same as your age. Happy 50th Birthday!"
"There can be 50 reasons for you to celebrate 50th birthday in an awesome way! Have a wonderful and special 50th birthday! Happy Birthday!"
"You have reached an age where you can do something unexpected and surprise all. Wish you do something special! Wishing you a very Happy 50th Birthday!"
"On your 50th birthday I’m here to let you know how much I love you, miss you and think about you every day. You had been, and are still my dear lovely sister and friend. Wish you all the happiness of the world. Happy 50th Birthday Dear Sister!"
"God has made you perfect for the past 50 years in order to use you for 50 more great things in the remaining years of your life. Happy 50th Birthday!"
"Ahhhhh!’ You might make that sound while sitting on a chair from now on and ‘Uhhhhh’ while getting up! Because you are 50! Happy 50th Birthday!"
"God has given you a beautiful wife, two obedient and lovely children and so much success in the last 50 years! I thank God for his kindness and wish to provide you more happiness in the years ahead! Happy 50th Birthday!"
"You are lucky that you are left with 10 more years to accomplish all that you wished to accomplish before age 60! Wish you success and happiness! Happy 50th Birthday!"
Ucapan selamat hari ulang tahun ke-60
"You have reached an age when you don’t have to bother for your dress. You can wear anything you want now because no one is going to care. Congratulations on turning 60 and wish you a Happy Birthday!"
"You will have to be a magician to place 60 candles on your birthday cake! Wish you great happiness on your 60th birthday! Happy Birthday!"
"When you were 30 you were concerned about your career, marital life and so many other matters. Now you are concerned about your hair fall, toothache, knee problems, etc. Happy 60th Birthday!"
"On your 30th birthday, I wished you great career, success, good health, lots of wealth etc. And you got everything. On your 60th birthday I wish your hair doesn’t fall any more; your knees doesn’t give you any more trouble; your blood sugar doesn’t rise and a lot more things! Happy 60th Birthday!"
"You still look 50! Many people want to know the secret of your fitness! Wish you a very Happy 60th Birthday!"
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"At 20 you got girlfriend; at 30 you got wife; at 40 you were having two children and at 60 you got some wrinkles! Happy 60th Birthday!"
"So what if you have turned 60! You still look young and girls are fond of you. Wish you to maintain your smartness and fitness in the years ahead! Happy 60th Birthday!"
"You are lucky! You are 20 years behind to celebrate your 80th birthday! You can still behave like a kid and do several things which you couldn’t do till now due to scarcity of time or whatsoever. But whatever you do, keep your age in mind! Happy 60th Birthday!"
"You don’t grow old due to age but due to your negative thought. If you think yourself young you will remain young even at the age of 60! Happy 60th Birthday!"
"You are lucky that you have reached the age of 60 and still haven’t developed diabetes and high blood sugar. May God keep you healthy and fit for the remaining years of your life in the same manner. Wishing you a grand 60th Birthday!"
"Congratulations! You are only 40 more years behind from celebrating your century! Happy 60th Birthday!"
"Congratulations! Now you have become senior citizen. Now you can get concession in several things! Happy 60th Birthday! Enjoy concessions and discounts!"
"Welcome to the sixties club. Now you are a senior citizen! Happy 60th Birthday!"
"Now you have attained the age when others would like taking advice from you. So feel happy about your age! Happy 60th Birthday!"
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Sekian artikel mengenai ucapan hari ulang tahun 50, 60 Bahasa Inggris. Dan ucapan happy birthday ini sangat cocok ditujukan kepada orang tua sendiri, adik perempuan maupun laki-laki serta bibi mupun paman anda.