Best wedding day messages for boy friend & girl friend - When an invitation is sent or given away something, you can enrich the intention with a message, more or less long than personalize gift.
When you send your gifts or guests want to write a special message in the guest book of the couple, when the couple want to write messages reminders or sending a thank you card should know that there are numerous possibilities.

Squeezing what they carry in their hearts is always ideal, but if you can not think of any ideas can take advantage of the following suggestions.
Guests Messages for Boy Friends & Girl Friend
Congratulations on your wedding.
We wish you many happy returns.

May all your wishes are fulfilled.
May your marriage be happy and blessed.
Every success in your journey of love.
Finally you have joined your special love. I wish you the best life that you can offer.
May you have a wonderful life both as man and wife.
Hopefully you remain so far to help you celebrate your wedding day. Although far from you, I will be present in spirit, wishing that everything is as you have dreamed of.
The wedding is a blessing that you have ahead. May you be blessed with joy and love.
Congratulations, you are together in the way of a nice life.
Congratulations on your wedding. May your marriage be blessed forever with love and companionship.
May your marriage be blessed and happy.
May your married life is full of happiness, it is what I wish sincerely.
That ye love unhindered and that love is the source of eternity.
Let your desires, fantasies and dreams come true.
I want a house full of light, hearts full of joy every day of your lives.
Love is the beauty of the soul, that your life shine upon him.
Votes of happiness for a life full of love and affection.
I want a love that grows from day to day. Congratulations on your wedding.
Congratulations. I wish you the greatest happiness in the world.
A few words to wish great happiness.
Your wedding is a very special event in time: one day when you look to the future and one day to wish you the greatest happiness in the world.
I love joined as husband and wife, but also gave them the happiness of friendship to have each other.
True love is the most beautiful thing you can do, especially when it is yours.
You are the two most beautiful people in the world, especially when you celebrate your love.
Life that bring you joy you deserve.
May your life be full of the most tender memories of the world.
Sun rays illuminate your life with beautiful memories.
You are special. How good to see your love! Congratulations.
I embrace with words of love, affection and tenderness. This embrace surround you forever.
A warm hug of congratulations and wishes for the rest of your lives.
You did you do believe in love and happiness. Continue well!
Thanks for having so well on such a special day. Everything was perfect.
That happiness of your wedding day last a lifetime.
Wishes for a life with love and tenderness.
From sunrise to sunset, for all always a sigh of love. Congratulations on your wedding.
Every minute of your special day, is a unique memory and that you keep together forever.
Seize this day and guardadnos in your memories as a reminder that will be present in the most difficult moments of your life.
Everything you desire, receive him in twice.
That your life is a great adventure. May your battles be lidiadas together, side by side and I wish you much joy and abundance.
Let your heart desires are concretized.
I wish you all happiness for today, tomorrow and always around.
Take heed each other always with love.
Messages and phrases thanks for reminders
Our sincere thanks for your / your / your presence.
Very grateful for your presence and for the spirit you helped raise on our special day.
You / thank you for being part of one of our most beautiful memories.
You / we thank you helping us make our dream realized.
The love is for ever. Names Groom and Bride.
For you / you. Names Groom and Bride.
Messages and phrases for thank you cards
You / thank you from the bottom of our hearts your / your presence in one of the most important moments of our lives.
In our behalf and that of our families we please your / your / your presence at our wedding.
Thanking your / your / your presence on our special day, we took the opportunity to thank your / your / your generous gift. We will use it to help in decorating our new kitchen.
Thanking your / your / your gift, we took the opportunity to acknowledge the presence at our wedding and invite (invite, invite) to visit one of these days: Street ….
A million thanks for making our day one day with your / your / your presence.
Wedding Day Gift Tips Choose the Best Ideas

The gifts have become essential in many celebrations (weddings, birthdays, anniversaries ). Wedding gift tips should be done by the mere fact of having been invited (to go or not).The “unspoken rule” but unwritten, indicates that, if you go to a wedding banquet, the gift should cover at least the cover charge.
Its value should be based on the number of people who let us go to the banquet. Not usually make the same gift if you are only a couple, that if you partner with all her children, for example.
1. Gift, or money.
Although we have seen something as hard as assessing the “gift”, you should always give more with the heart than with the portfolio. Failure to attend the wedding, you should always have a detail with boyfriends.
In wedding gifts, usually prevail utility reasons thereof. Whenever we can pick up a best gift idea to present, avoid giving money and if done with couples must be very reliable, and we have indicated that they want the money better.
So all, if you can, Give them a detail to have a memory of him. How to ask for the money, if what you want, is varied. For example, in Catalonia, it is usually put with the invitation paper with a bank account number, indicating that the couple prefer money.
(This practice has been extended and is now used throughout Spain).
“The wedding list is very useful for both the bride and groom to the guests”
2. Wedding lists.
One of the most widespread forms between couples, is ” to create” a wedding list in a specialized establishment. It is more convenient for both parties. A bride and groom are not repeated gifts, and invited them to facilitate the work of choosing a gift that they can not be useful.
The bridal couple selects a number of objects, usually in order to equip their future home. Even in wedding lists, you can contribute a certain amount to give away expensive items among several people.
3. What is given away?
If there is no wedding list , there is the establishment where you have placed in our city or do not want to make a gift list wedding, we must remember that groups of traditional and more useful for weddings gifts are: appliances, decorative items in general such as vases, lamps, furniture, etc.
Also, although it is easy dinnerware, glassware, etc. are repeated Even if you have a lot of confidence with the bride and groom, wedding gifts should never be personal.
4. Be original
If you have enough confidence with boyfriends and perhaps something adventurous, you can try to be original in your gift. Today Internet allows us to have at our fingertips access to hundreds of artists and artisans from around the globe, offering unique and personalized items.
From songs, stories, portraits, crafts and all kinds of gadgets to collectibles, old or rare they may have some relation to the honorees. Dare and take a look at the many options offered by the network.
5. Choosing Gift for Life Partner
Try to find out that no one will regale the same or worse, they already have. It is a sensitive issue if you do not want toeliminate the surprise factor the Life Partner With Gift but you can always check with the nearest person to the couple or directly ask the guests you know.
You always run the risk of repeating, but this way it will minimize.
If you want to surprise boyfriends when you give them the gift, try to do it in a striking way. If you are a group of friends you can give it with a song and a simple choreography at the end of the banquet or dedicate a few words to the couple before giving the gift. Anyway, try not alargarte much or descuadrarĂ¡s the wedding planning.
Even if you think that money is an impersonal gift, you must think that in many cases will be as necessary to undertake new life together.
There are thousands of ways to deliver the money in an original way and show that you have used a time on it, fold the paper like origami, hide the money inside macaroni, balloons, ice or fill a chest with coins as if they were a treasure.
You can organize a small game to reach the couple the gift. A treasure map where the bride has to guide the groom blindfolded, hidden clues in the room with them the gift or a small gymkhana that will make them earn a gift. We recommend that this does not last longer than 10/15 minutes.
There is an unwritten rule that says that the gift has to be equivalent to the price of each guest covered. If you do not know how much is covered, we recommend you figure between 130 and 170 euros on average.