First, 2nd and other years wedding anniversary gifts - The paper symbolizes the celebration of first wedding anniversaries. This should be a celebratory occasion since this milestone marks the start of the first of hopefully many celebrations to come.
Most couples celebrate this very first wedding anniversary to reminisce the start of their building relationship.

As such there are many unique and artistic first wedding anniversary gifts to better celebrate this wonderful highlight in a couples’ life. As a wife or husband, you can give a favorite book, novel or magazine to symbolize the first year anniversary.
The following are examples of first, second and other years wedding anniversary gifts:
First Wedding Anniversary Gifts

You can also give handmade crafts of paper to remind you both of the first year anniversary. You can also purchase concert tickets to your favorite band or you can also purchase gift certificates to your favorite restaurant or spa center.
Other anniversary items can be an anniversary book, personalized paper anniversary calendar, personalized message in a bottle, personalized spoof newspaper article, engraved Swarovski crystal heart flutes, personalized gift books, luxury personalized champagne.
Personalized tea paper, engraved silver round compact mirror, picture collage plaque, personalized calendar, engraved silver plated heart, personalized star of fame, personalized apple crate, personalized wedding anniversary plate, polished glass dinky frame.
Personalized chocolate bar, glass photo frame, digital anniversary photo frame, personalized football book, personalized world map, personalized door mat and an anniversary greeting card.
Other first wedding anniversary gifts are crystal wedding anniversary clock, personalized apron for your wife, personalized anniversary toilet paper, couple tee shirts, couple caricature photo, wedding bands in a box with a romantic poem, personalized family character magnet, personalized pillow cases and engraved silver stones.
You may want to note your husband or wife’s favorite scent or book before going out to buy a gift for him or her. It will be a nice treat to be able to pick out something that will be truly useful at home or in the office.
Gadgets are considered very modern gifts and some a little expensive. However there are also affordable ones in several brand names that will be useful to your husband or wife.
Celebrating a first wedding anniversary need not be expensive. There are also other ways of giving gifts to one another on this very special occasion. You may also give an affordable spa basket, cookie basket, snack basket or a wine basket to celebrate the day.
There is even the traditional and sweet gift of giving a romantic anniversary card. It may be the oldest kind of gift but it will never run out of style.
2nd Wedding Anniversary Gifts
Symbolizing the 2nd wedding anniversary is the cotton. It represents strength and flexibility in a relationship. A couple celebrating their second year may already have an experience of how a marriage works.
There are several 2nd wedding anniversary gifts that are truly memorable and reminiscent of the symbol of cotton such as a cotton hammock, personalized anniversary throw, favorite photo in a decorative pillow.
Personalized message in a pillowcase, family heirloom photo quilt, personalized message on clothing for either husband or wife, clothing from your husband’s favorite sports team, funny tee shirts for women, pajama pants for the husband and lingerie for the wife.
Women’s flirty aprons, men’s funny aprons, cotton flowers and teddy bears, cotton rugs, crafted animal theme gifts, dinnerware and kitchen ware, ceramic sculptures, porcelain art vases and porcelain anniversary gifts.
The modern gift for a 2nd wedding anniversary is china. As a family, owning a China is considered a good investment. Entertaining important guests as well as your family is worthy of a good China set.
Who knows what its worth will be in the next twenty years? Some China ware are made of porcelain and as such there are many figurines, frames and other items that are porcelain in material, thereby making it reminiscent of the second year anniversary.
Intimate wear for the wife such as a chemise, naughty bath towel or bloomers can be a funny symbol for the second year anniversary. Personalized underwear and secret message bath towels can be hilarious gifts to represent this wedding anniversary.
This anniversary celebration need not be expensive by buying jewelry and other classy items. The gift can even be a do-it-yourself activity in that one can get creative by having art materials and some actual cotton to be able to come up with an oversize and humorous greeting card that will show your love and affection for your loved one.
Another inspiring idea that will not cost a single penny would be to give your partner do-it-yourself coupons from back rubs every Friday nights to day off on housekeeping during Saturdays. These is a unique labor of your love which you are willing to give to be able to give your wife ample time for herself.
This way the relationship stays exciting every day of your married life. Interaction at this stage of the marriage is important to sustain the love and happiness experienced in the first stage of marriage until the next.
10 Year Anniversary Gift
In keeping with the traditions, one should bear in mind that the symbol for the 10th year anniversary is aluminum or tin. Its designated gemstone is the diamond that is why the modern gift that best represents this year would be any diamond jewelry.
The flower representative of the 10th year is daffodil. It also signifies a bright and sunny anniversary. Diamond jewelry such as necklaces is a hit among women. Diamond encrusted pendants go beautiful with a silver or a white gold necklace.
There are even affordable little diamond earrings and rings should your budget be tight. There are also Diamond inspired keepsakes such as figurines, plates, paperweights, ornaments, frames and tin boxes.
In keeping with the tradition there are also tin and aluminum inspired gift items such as accessories, aluminum card wallets, jewelry boxes, tray, tin man figurines, aluminum figurines and poems that are enclosed in an aluminum frame.
A personalized item is also very popular as a 10 year anniversary gift. Personalized coffee mugs, bathrobes, towels, bedroom pillows, tee shirts and kitchen apron and room sign board for both the wife and husband.
There are also unique gift items such as gift certificates to a favorite restaurant or spa center so that both can have a relaxing anniversary date. A hotel suite for a two night stay will also allow the couple to bond on their very special day.
Spending an anniversary out of town is also a very good way of being away together and seeing new places and trying new restaurants as well.
Who could forget the traditional giving of bouquets? It will be a great and special surprise to give your wife a bouquet of daffodils and enclosing a sweet note of explanation as to why it was your chosen flower to give.
Other top choices for a 10 year anniversary gift are engraved anniversary message in a bottle, anniversary personalized magazine cover, personalized happy anniversary cover, lucky aluminum dice, anniversary Celtic love spoon, aluminum roses, wedding anniversary photo frame, Adam and eve artwork, where you can have your faces digitally printed on the artwork.
Sterling silver diamond infinity ring, diamond necklace and earrings set, anniversary gift clock, recycled tin lantern, anniversary book clock, popcorn in gallon tins, personalized crystal keepsake, high roller set with executive aluminum case.
Personalized aluminum welcome mat, aluminum pantry small tray, sand which tray, anniversary heart throw, anniversary necklaces and love themed books.
Other Years Wedding Anniversary Ideas
An anniversary marks a special event between two people. It is an episode that highlights a couples’ relationship. For this event, it is only fitting to have several anniversary ideas. To start the day, you have to be together. You should consider taking the day off from work.
Your anniversary happens only once a year so you should make time for it. Celebrating this day need not be expensive.
You could plan to cook together. Or if you would like to surprise your partner, you could prepare both your favorite meals ahead of time. You might consider your partners’ favorite meal or dessert and you can prepare and serve it with love.
You might also want to have that age-old wine you have been keeping along with your dinner.
A simple activity of a couple wish list would be fun. This could be a list that you will both come up with. This list shall include things you want to do as a couple in the years to come; vacations to take, hobbies to do, things you want to save for.
In this way you both lovingly share your dreams together, reminiscing past experiences you may want to experience again. After dinner, this may be the time when you can pull out that gift of may be a long-stemmed rose or especially made cuff links for your partner.
Again this special gift need not be expensive. It may be a bottle of perfume that you might consider giving every year as a ritual. This way your partner will be sure to expect this bottle of perfume every year from you only.
For this day to be never forgotten, you should take pictures to add to your anniversary scrapbook. This will be a delight for the family in the future. All these can be done whether you will be celebrating your anniversary at home or during your getaway vacation.
It will also be a fun experience to spend your anniversary in an out of town hotel. That way you can also do sight seeing or do activities like trekking.
For the more daring couples, mountain climbing or bunjee jumping can be also an enjoyable experience. It will also be relaxing for both couples to share a day at the spa after the days’ activities. Couples can have several types of body massages and spa services to complete the day.
You can check nearby spa and massage centers for your favored services or you can browse thru your hotels’ services so that you can celebrate and relax in the comfort of your hotel. This way you can maximize your time being together.