Looking for prayer for the sick? God is the Great Physician. He is ready to help those who need healing. In this article, we present a collection of Catholic prayers for healing and Bible verses for those who need healing.
According to Psalm 41:3, "God sustains them on their bed and restores them from their bed of sickness." This means that God is the Great Healer. He is your Saviour. Whenever you are sick or weak, He is the only one who can restore strength and health to your body.

Saying a prayer for the sick allows you to talk to God and ask Him for ultimate healing. Prayer for healing firsthand illustrates the infallible power of prayer. Whenever you feel the need to pray, don't hesitate to do so.
This type of prayer is for everyone who wants maximum healing given by the Almighty Father. If you are a parent or son/daughter who currently has a sick son, daughter or parent, say a prayer for the sick. Say these prayers and remember them in your heart.
Feel free to share it with your family or friends. Spread the word and inspire others to seek God's help around the clock. On the other hand, these prayers are also for those who are waiting for surgery. Pray and meditate to calm your soul and heal your physical self.
Prayer for the sick is miraculous. If you know someone who needs God's touch, never hesitate to lift them up to God, the Great Physician. It is he who can help you in times of need and weakness. He can expel all diseases from your body.
Sample Prayers For The Sick

Oh lord, Hear our prayers for the sick
our community members and
for everyone in need.
In the middle of mental and physical
suffering they might find
comfort in your healing presence.
Show your mercy as you close the wound,
cure disease, make the body broken
the bowed spirit whole and free.
May these special people find
lasting health and liberation,
and join us in saying thank you
you for all your gifts.
We ask this on your behalf, Healers.
O God, creator of the universe, author of its laws, you can revive the dead, and heal the sick. We pray for our sick brother that he may feel your hand on him, renewing his body and refreshing his soul. Show him affection where you hold all your creatures.
Serious illness
Oh lord, You chose to share our human nature, to redeem all people, and to heal the sick. With this in mind, I beg You to look upon Your humble servant (Name), support them with Your strength, comfort them with Your protection, and give them the strength they need to fight evil.
Since you have given (Name), a share in your own desires, help them to find hope in suffering for you, the Healer.
Prayers for the Sick People
Let us ask God for all health and safety on behalf of our brothers and sisters who suffer from bodily ailments that only He is the Beloved Physician who will help them all. Oh God, who asked our lives to go sooner or later, grant the prayers of Your servants who are in pain asking for Your mercy. Save them and turn their fears and fears into joy.
We call on you, Lord, who formed our bodies and souls and who governs, guides and saves all of humanity, may our prayers move you to yield and heal all who are sick, remove their suffering from them, raise up those who must recover in bed, so that they may glorify Your Holy Name, now and forever. Amen.
Prayer of The Sick - Short Prayer for a Sick Friend

To God, Healer of the Sick, I turn to You in this time of illness. Soothe my worries and sorrows with Your tender love and give me the grace and strength to accept this burden. I place my worries in your hands. I place myself in your care and humbly ask that you restore my health.
Above all, give me the grace to acknowledge Your holy will and know that You love me and are with me in my most difficult times. Amen.
Oh lord, Divine Physician and Healer of the Sick, we turn to You in this time of illness. O Beloved Comforter of the Troubled, remove our worries and sorrows with Your tender love, and give us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place our worries in Your hands.
We place our sick people under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servant to health. Above all, give us the grace to acknowledge Your holy will and know that whatever you do, you do it for our love. Amen.
Oh lord, You bore our sufferings and bore our sorrows to show us clearly the value of human weakness and patience. Now I turn to you to ask you to heal _______(name)_______'s soul and body.
I know, Lord, that sin breaks the relationship between humans and you. But there is no disease and no wound that you cannot heal.
Come and touch _______(name)_______ where he is most hurt and suffering.
I believe in your healing power and I believe and hope that you will hear my plea for my sick brother/sister.
However, if it is your will, that _______(name)_______ should carry the cross of this sickness, then I humbly pray that you will give her the strength and perseverance to carry her cross with love.
May he and all those now burdened with pain and suffering realize that they are among the chosen ones you call blessed. Help them understand that they are united with you in your suffering for the salvation of the world. Amen.
Pray to God with all your heart. With His love and grace, He can turn suffering into compassion, weakness into strength, and sorrow into happiness. Ask for His healing touch and you or anyone else will be healed. By offering prayers for the sick, He will restore His servant to full health.
He will not let you down. You may feel too weak or sick to ask for His healing power. However, saying a prayer for the sick only takes seconds or minutes. Whether you are in bed or standing, you can pray to God and He is always willing to listen. This prayer is for those who are suffering mentally, emotionally or physically.
God, with His healing grace, is your Ultimate Healer at all times. Say a prayer for your sick mother or father, sister or brother, friend, neighbor, co-worker or relative.